I’m going to be honest here…some days I don’t feel pregnant,
I just feel FAT. I’m not telling you
this for sympathy or “you look great” comments (I appreciate them, I really
do), I’m just letting you know that this whole weight gain thing screws with
your head.
Coming from someone who’s recently lost a lot of weight, it’s really, REALLY
hard..painful even…to watch the scale creep up each week. (It doesn’t help that my boobs have gotten
HUGE – I’m talking up 3 cup sizes already and the baby isn’t even here yet!?)
I’m not one of those women who didn’t gain an ounce until
she hit 20 weeks (those of you out there are super lucky!), it’s just not the
way my body is built or my genetics work.
I’m trying to stay active, but that’s a struggle with all this extra
weight in the front of me now (my back feels the added stress for sure!), and
as much as I’d love to say I’m being 100% healthy about my diet, I’d be lying
if I didn’t admit to caving into my cravings for things like pizza and ice
cream. The thing is – is that the worst
thing in the world? To indulge in a treat here or there? Probably not, but the
old me is fighting the urge to start counting calories and obsessing over every
bite I put into my mouth.
My point is that it’s easy to judge…to say that “when I’m pregnant,
I’m going to do X, or I’m not going to gain any more than the recommended weight,
or I’m going to eat only fruits and veggies…”
It’s easier said than done.
Normally I’d be harder on myself – tell myself that I’m making excuses
and I need to suck it up. But I’m
growing another life inside of me, and I don’t want to do ANYTHING that would
put her in jeopardy, and that includes over exercising or not giving her enough
calories. That being said, I’m going to
make an effort to be better about my food choices. Now that I’m further along, I’m having less
food aversions than I was earlier in my pregnancy, so I’m hopeful I can start
incorporating my healthy staples back in on a regular basis, 21 day fix
style. Food has and always will be my
biggest struggle, so I’m trying to remember that with my number one priority
being growing a healthy baby, that includes feeding her the right foods now