Sep 22, 2014

Weight Gain Woes

I’m going to be honest here…some days I don’t feel pregnant, I just feel FAT.  I’m not telling you this for sympathy or “you look great” comments (I appreciate them, I really do), I’m just letting you know that this whole weight gain thing screws with your head. 

Coming from someone who’s recently lost a lot of weight, it’s really, REALLY hard..painful even…to watch the scale creep up each week.  (It doesn’t help that my boobs have gotten HUGE – I’m talking up 3 cup sizes already and the baby isn’t even here yet!?)

I’m not one of those women who didn’t gain an ounce until she hit 20 weeks (those of you out there are super lucky!), it’s just not the way my body is built or my genetics work.  I’m trying to stay active, but that’s a struggle with all this extra weight in the front of me now (my back feels the added stress for sure!), and as much as I’d love to say I’m being 100% healthy about my diet, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to caving into my cravings for things like pizza and ice cream.  The thing is – is that the worst thing in the world? To indulge in a treat here or there? Probably not, but the old me is fighting the urge to start counting calories and obsessing over every bite I put into my mouth.
My point is that it’s easy to judge…to say that “when I’m pregnant, I’m going to do X, or I’m not going to gain any more than the recommended weight, or I’m going to eat only fruits and veggies…”  It’s easier said than done.  Normally I’d be harder on myself – tell myself that I’m making excuses and I need to suck it up.  But I’m growing another life inside of me, and I don’t want to do ANYTHING that would put her in jeopardy, and that includes over exercising or not giving her enough calories.  That being said, I’m going to make an effort to be better about my food choices.  Now that I’m further along, I’m having less food aversions than I was earlier in my pregnancy, so I’m hopeful I can start incorporating my healthy staples back in on a regular basis, 21 day fix style.  Food has and always will be my biggest struggle, so I’m trying to remember that with my number one priority being growing a healthy baby, that includes feeding her the right foods now too! 

Sep 10, 2014

BUMPdate: 21 weeks!

How far along are you: 21 Weeks – it’s all downhill from here, right???

Fruit: This week baby is the size of a pomegranate – wait, doesn't the fruit size actually seem smaller this week? I don’t understand their logic sometimes!

Baby bump: No denying it’s there, it feels a bit more intentional this week than it has in the past (where I felt like maybe I just looked fat and/or bloated).
Maternity Clothes: I’m still stretching a few pre-baby clothing pieces out for a few more weeks, like those Old Navy Rockstar Skinnies I’m wearing today J  I have a few maternity pieces too, but I think I’m going to try to hold off on buying anything new for as long as possible, I just hate wasting money!

Gender: In case you missed it yesterday, IT’S A GIRL!!

Stretch Marks: No new ones (yet)

Sleep: My new routine seems to involve waking up to pee at 3:30am…and then not falling back asleep L

Cravings: Gummy worms, crispy chicken, and Raspberry Iced Tea…so random!

What Makes Me Wanna Gag: I’m trying like hell to eat grilled chicken…it’s been a battle though!

Exercise: Walking, running, Piyo, and the 21 day fix. 

Mood: I feel pretty good, no real complaints!

Favorite thing this week: She kicked! Not just a little flutter, but a real, honest to goodness kick! I’ve felt her move a few times now, it’s such an amazing feeling!

Excited For: The nursery! And for my husband to feel her kick too J

Sep 9, 2014

Gender Reveal!!

You've been waiting so patiently, so let's just get right to it shall we?

It's a girl! We're very excited and now that we know we're on "Team Pink" we can start planning for the nursery and our registry.  Oh and if things weren't crazy enough right now, we just put our house on the market! Fall is time for change, right?? 
Happy Tuesday :)

Sep 3, 2014

BUMPdate - Halfway!

How far along are you: 20 weeks – half way!!

Fruit: This week baby is the size of a banana

Baby bump: It’s in full effect!! Still not at the point where strangers are asking me about it, but those who know are definitely now coming up to me and rubbing my protruding belly!

Maternity Clothes: I’m still in some stretchy pre-pregnancy clothes, including the dress I’m wearing today, but for bottoms I find that the Maternity ones are getting to be a necessity.  We visited with family this past weekend and I got a whole tub of hand-me-down maternity clothes, so I’m excited to have a few more options now J

Gender Guess: Well – WE KNOW THE GENDER!! Any last minute guesses before I announce???

Stretch Marks: No new ones (yet)

Sleep: It’s getting more difficult to sleep through the night – lots of wake-ups for various reasons, whether is rolling over to get more comfortable or getting up to pee.  Falling back asleep is getting troublesome too.

Cravings: Still on those damn gummy worms – although I think I’m making an effort to quit cold turkey this week...we'll see what baby has to say about that!

What Makes Me Wanna Gag: Not too much these days, I’m feeling pretty good in this category!

Exercise: Walking, running, Piyo, and the 21 day fix.  I’m starting to feel like I have the energy again, but my ab muscles are sore, so I have to listen to my body and do what I can when I can.  Walking with my husband every morning has turned into a nice routine for us though, so I’m happy to have that time now.

Mood: I feel pretty good, no real complaints!

Favorite thing this week: We had an ultrasound yesterday, and I got to see my baby – who’s grown so very much since our last peek! Baby is healthy and absolutely perfect from a medical perspective, so that was so relieving to hear, and of course we found out the gender so I’m so excited about that too!

Excited For: Baby registration and buying stuff for the nursery now that we know the gender J