Sep 21, 2012


Good morning loyal readers! (All six of you J)  So the weekend is upon us once again, and I’m going to start with a small recount from my morning that some of you may already have read..I’ve been getting up at 6AM Mon-Fri for the past 2 weeks to get a run in before work.  This morning, I just wasn’t feeling it…the days are getting shorter with Fall right around the corner, which means it’s now pitch black at 6 when I wake up…and cold too…and my bed looked so warm and cozy…but just when I was about to give up and crawl back into bed, hubs offered to go for a long walk with me instead (he can’t run since he had his meniscus removed from his knee last year).  We went for a 40 min walk that kept up a 4.0 mph pace, I was so proud of us, and so thankful for my hubby for keeping me moving! 

Ok enough sappy shit for the day…now for the weekend.  So tonight, we’re having some friends over to have a fire in the back yard with some drinks and pizza. This does not spell good news for my diet!  I have a plan though; I have some salad in my fridge, I grilled an extra piece of chicken last night, so I’ll eat that right when I get home (before the beer and pizza).  If I’m careful about my calories today, I can afford to have one or two slices of pizza (hopefully just 1) and a few drinks.  We’ll see, but so far having a plan has worked out well!


Tomorrow, we’re driving up to Boston to go to the Sox/Baltimore game (hubs is a big Baltimore fan). 
Here's us a few years ago at a game in Baltimore
We’re planning on getting lunch before the game, so the plan there is to get something healthy (I’m thinking salad with grilled chicken), and no alcohol…must stay motivated!! I keep thinking about my skinny jeans that I want to fit into for my 30th next Saturday, so I can’t give up now! (I should clarify that my skinny jeans are not the “style” skinny but rather the “milestone” skinny where I haven’t been able to fit into them in a long time…and fitting into them makes me feel like I’m making progress!)

So what about you ladies? What’s on tap for the weekend? Don’t forget to log you calories every day, even if it means you’re all starts with accountability!  Have a good weekend all!

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