Oct 25, 2012

Liebster Award

Wow I guess I must be moving up in the bloggin world...27 followers AND I got nominated for a Liebster Award by 2 different blogs!  Special thanks to Stephanie at http://wannabe-mama.blogspot.com/ and Alicia at http://truesouthernlies.blogspot.com/ for including me!

Winner, Winner! Chicken Dinner!

It looks like this award is for awesome bloggers that have under 200 fans, so this is right up my alley.  I'm not sure I can do everything on this list, but I'll sure try!
  • Each Person Tagged Must Post 11 Things About Themselves
  • They Must Also Answer The 11 Questions The Tagger Has Set For Them
  • They Must Also Create 11 More Questions To Ask Bloggers They Have Tagged
  • They Must Choose 11 Bloggers To Tag With Less Than 200 Followers
  • These Lucky Bloggers Must Be Told
  • There Are No Tag Backs
11 Things About Myself
  1. I have a rescue cat named Luna; she has no claws but I promise she came that way!
  2. I am an architect by trade, but in addition to blogging I also waitress at a diner on Sundays and make baby headbands that I sell on Etsy (http://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePrettyCommittee)
  3. I have Crohn's disease. 
  4. I have 2 sisters, one older, one younger.  We're all 18 months apart.
  5. I lived in NYC (Brooklyn) for 6.5 years for college and a few years after.
  6. I was engaged once before I met my now husband...high school sweetheart gone wrong.
  7. The hubs and I met playing softball.
  8. My parents got divorced after almost 30 years of marriage; I have a pretty strained relationship with my mother for multiple reasons, but we don't talk as of right now.
  9. I hate when other people's dogs jump all over me and they don't even try to help (sorry if that makes me a bitch!)
  10. hate when people where Uggs with shorts!
  11. My husband and I filmed a taping of the newlywed show this summer...our episode hasn't aired yet :).

My 11 Questions from Stephanie:
1. What is your favorite television sitcom? Friends
2. What is your favorite drink at Starbucks? Caramel Light Frappuccino
3. What are the three things you would need to not go insane on a deserted island? My phone, my husband and my purple crocodile pumps :)
4. What is your favorite season and why? Fall hands down.  I love the clothes this time of year: sweaters, boots, scarves! Add in Pumpkin flavored anything and I'm hooked!
5. What is your favorite grocery store? Don't have one...shop at Price Chopper for convenience.
6. If you could make out with any actor/actress, who would it be? Jason Statham!!
7. What is your dream ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip, my weakness!
8. What is your favorite cardio workout? Kickboxing, though I only do it via my Turbo Jam DVDS
9. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Australia
10. What is your favorite animal? Umm...I guess a cat since I love mine?
11. How has blogging changed your life? It's certainly kept me accountable! It's a lot harder to give up on goals when I know I have a crowd to answer to!
My 11 Questions from Alicia:
  1. What's the favorite part of your day? After dinner, relaxing on the couch with the hubs.
  2. If you were an animal, what would you be? What's with all the animal questions!? I dunno! A giraffe!?
  3. Why that animal? Because they can give birth to 150 pounds standing up ;)
  4. Favorite thing on TV? Right now Parenthood
  5. What is your best childhood memory? Camping with my dad and my sisters
  6. What did you want to be when you grew up? An Architect
  7. What's your dream vacation? Australia
  8. What's your favorite season? Fall (see above)
  9. What's your all time favorite movie quote? "Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
  10. Who are 3 people you would love to have dinner with? Can be living or dead. Frank Lloyd Wright, Tori Amos, My dad's real mother (died when I was 2)
  11. What's the best memory you haven't made yet? Seeing my baby for the first time
The Questions For Those I Nominated:

  1. What's your favorite accessory?
  2. What brand of shampoo do you use?
  3. How often do you wash your hair?
  4. If you could only use one makeup item, which would it be?
  5. What is your favorite song to work out to?
  6. What do you wish you could change about your ever day schedule?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. What's your favorite holiday?
  9. How many days a week do you exercise (average) and for how long?
  10. Who's your celebrity crush?
  11. Up to this point, what was the best day of your life?

The Nominees Are...
Brandi at http://findingthehealthywithin.blogspot.com/
Ashleigh at http://www.life-inbloom.com/
Lauren at http://missionskinnypants.blogspot.com/
Sam at http://momonamission2bhealthy.blogspot.com/
Alisha at http://inprogressforgood.blogspot.com/
Erin at http://www.shesabigstar.com/
Paige at http://sayingnotocookies.blogspot.com/
Natty at http://longtallnatty.blogspot.com/

And...that's all I've got.  Sorry it's not 11 nominees, and sorry if you've already been nominated (and feel free to ignore this altogether if you wish)! Hope you have fun with this!



  1. Which Turbo Jam DVD do you have? I love kickboxing too, and would like to be able to do it at home. I used to do Tae Bo religiously, but I don't have a VCR to play my tapes in anymore lol

  2. I have the 5 dvd set that all came together...I think the one I like best is called Punch, Kick, and Jam? That's the 48 min long one, but Cardio party is pretty good too.

  3. How fun! You'll definitely have to let us know when the newlywed show airs! And we're all mint chocolate chip lovers in my house. All 5 of us will get a scoop of it when we have ice cream. :)

  4. Oh...Jason Statham...yummy! My hubs told me one time: "I know how bad you crush on Jason Statham. So, I'm willing to admit defeat. If it ever came down between Jason & me; I fully expect you to pick Jason. BUT, when you're done then you better come home." lol

  5. I will def let you know when our Episode airs! We've been waiting patiently to hear from the network since the new season started last night, but nothing yet! And yes, Mint Chocolate Chip and Jason Statham are both equally yummy in my book! :)

  6. Thank you! And by the way....welcome to One-derland. Breaking into the 100s is MAJOR! You have been working your butt off and you should be proud of yourself.


I love comments! Leave me a note and tell me what you think! :)