Dec 31, 2012

Big changes

I have some big changes and exciting things happening for the start of the New Year.  First, I'm working on a total blog re-design with the help of my awesome friend Brandi over at Thin After Twins, and I can't wait to reveal it!

Second, I've finally moved into the 21st century and signed up for Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook pages for this blog, so I would love if you stopped by any and all of these places to follow, like, pin, tweet, or just say hello :)

Third, it's time for a little reflection.  I know I've been hard on myself this past month for not staying as motivated as I should have been, but the reality is, I'm ending 2012 a whopping 35# lighter than I started it.  I still have a ways to go, but when I started this year at 232, I felt like I would never see the one hundreds' again.  I felt like I was too fat, too lazy, too (fill in your word of choice here) to make any serious headway.  I proved myself wrong.  This year, I ran in a race on Thanksgiving day that I've been wanting to do for as long as I can remember, but always felt I wouldn't be able to handle it.  I go through my ups and downs with motivation, and although I wasn't totally serious all year long about my weight loss, starting this blog at the end of August was the best thing I ever could have done for myself.  You guys are the reason I'm still here.  The reason I haven't given up this month.  The reason I want to keep going, try harder, get back on that wagon.  So thank you.  Thank you for following me, for commenting, for reading, for telling me I can still do this!  You have no idea what it means to me, and I'm so thankful for y'all every day.

So New Year's "resolutions" start today.  I resolve not to make any drastic changes that will burn me out, but instead make small lifestyle changes that I can live with forever, so that this will become not just a diet but a healthy way of life! I started my day with a green monster smoothie, as some of you may have already seen on Facebook, and I'm starting my first round of Insanity.  I'm going to also re-start C25K on my treadmill since the weather has gotten so bad outside I'm not going to be able to run outdoors for a while.  I'm hoping this time around I can improve my speed a bit, so I'm hoping by starting out again at week 1 I can push my speed for the running intervals.  I'm back to logging into MFP today too, I want my 100 day streak back!! 

So what about you, what are your goals for 2013??


  1. Congrats on a huge loss this year. My goals are to concentrate on toning and not be defined by the number on the scale. Good luck to you on the Couch to 5k. That's how I started running. It really does work!

  2. 35 pounds is a great number! Be proud of that for sure!

    My goals are the same as you. I just want this to be a lifestyle change for me. healthy and happy! Also, I want to run a half marathon in May and be down 30 pounds in June before we go on a cruise.

    Here is to a new year and a fresh start! You can do it!

  3. Yay! I can't wait to get your new look up! :)


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