Jan 4, 2013

Newlywed Game, Steps, and Rewards

First, if you are awesome enough to like me on Facebook,then you saw last night that my husband and I were on the Newlywed Game Show! We taped the show in August (when I was 20 pounds heavier), so of course all I see when I watch myself on TV is “FAT!!” but we did have a good time, and we ended up winning a trip to the Bahamas! I’m so excited now that I can tell everyone (I was sworn to secrecy until the show aired under penalty of law and being sued!), so now I have another motivational reason to look good in a bikini!!

Us right after we taped with Sherri Shepard (host of the Newlywed Game)
Yup my Aunt took a picture of her TV to post on Facebook :)
Second…I did manage to get in my 10k yesterday, how about you!?

And third…there’s a few items that I had on my Christmas list that I didn’t get, but one of my non-fitness related goals in 2013 is to spend less and pay down my (scary high) credit card debt.  That being said, I still think it’s good to reward yourself with a little something now and then, so I’ve decided to tie the items that I really want to weight loss goals, so that I’ll have something to work towards, and feel better about my spending.  Here’s my goal/rewards list:
·        192 (40 pounds lost…because I’ve been soo closeand yet I haven’t been able to get here!): new straw cups for my green smoothies and water (they make me happy J) oh and a cleaner for my straws because green monsters leave some funky stuff behind…like this http://www.strawcleaner.com/

·        Get into the 180s (even 189.8 counts in my book!): A new Flip Belt to replace my armband for running http://www.flipbelt.com/the-flipbelt/
       (side note: this item wasn’t on my original list but my pal Iris posted it on one of the groups I’m in and I fell in love! Oh and Brandi over at Thin After Twins got one too and made me super jealous! J)

·        182 (this is a big deal people…this will mark 50 pounds lost from my start at 232): new running sneakers like these: http://www.zappos.com/saucony-progrid-stabil-cs-2-white-silver-pink?ef_id=UOXYugAACPjzHivy:20130103191506:s

·        Get into the 170s (yes I know I just gave myself a reward for 2 pounds ago, but my lowest adult weight was 189, so being in the170s almost seems unattainable!): new Compression socks for running, like these: http://www.amazon.com/CEP-Womans-Running-Compression-Socks/dp/B003EIKBZY

·        172 (60 pounds lost and…wait for it….HEALTHY BMI!!!): I’m treating myself to a massage for this one!

·        162 (70 pounds lost!): I’m thinking this calls for a new bathing suit (and maybe a few other clothing items!)

·        Get into the 150s (this is my ultimate goal…though I’m not sure it’s attainable!): This needs to be big…and I’m not sure what it will be yet, I have to think on this for a while, so if you have any suggestions I’m all ears!

 What about you, do you have rewards set up for yourself? Let me know what they are, I’d love some ideas!


  1. SO cool about being on The Newlywed Game and that you won a trip to the Bahamas!!

    1. It was cool! And I'm very grateful for the trip, though it was a pretty embarassing experience to have my mother in law watch!!

  2. JEALOUS! The Bahamas would be a blast!!!!! I bet it was SO hard keeping a secret like that! I'd want to should it from the rooftops!

    1. I'm so excited! It was sooo hard to keep in, I'm telling everyone now, lol!

  3. That's awesome that you won a trip to the Bahamas. I love the rewards you have planned for yourself. That's a great idea. A full day at the spa would be a great final reward.

    1. That's a great idea Amy! It could be like makeover week on The Biggest Loser...new hair cut, massage, mani/pedi...I'm liking this idea! :)

  4. How fun with the Newlywed game!!! Awesome!

  5. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for showing me the straw cleaner! I have been trying to figure out how I could do it without just getting new straws. I also love those cups. I think they are adult sippy cups, and I can't live without them! Also, I love your goal gift idea, and I may need to borrow it. They look like fantastic and way, way cool for being on the newlywed show!

  6. I totally need straw cleaners. new shoes and a flip belt are my reward items too!


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