Jan 28, 2013

What would you do?

Busy weekend, lots to talk about….

Saturday I decided to skip Insanity for the day and go back to Bootcamp; the exercises we do at BC are pretty similar to the ones Shaun T does in Insanity, so I figured it was an equal trade.  While I was there, I saw that they were starting a new weight loss competition, called “Mission: SLIMpossible” (The BC studio is called Mission Fitness FYI).  I usually do good with competition involved, it drives me more than doing things on my own, so l paid my $20 and weighed in.  The competition goes for 8 weeks, and the top 3 highest percentage losers win 3 months of unlimited classes (that’s HUGE!) I have to focus now!
So this leads me to my next revelation this weekend.  Sunday morning I woke up SORE.  I’m talkin’ could barely squat to pee sore.  Hurts to walk up stairs sore.  Don’t want to shrug my shoulders sore.  GOOD Sore.  I worked out HARD sore.

And I did work out hard.  I wore my HR monitor and found I burned over 600 calories, almost 200 more than I usually do with Shaun T.

 And it got me thinking.  I love Bootcamp.  (Well, I love to hate Bootcamp anyways).  And, well… I hate Insanity.  There I said it.  I HATE INSANITY.  Not in the I love to hate it kind of way.  I just plain hate it.  I know it’s not supposed to be easy.  I get that.  But I need variety.  I need human interaction.  I need to know that even though I know the individual exercises, I don’t know what’s coming next.  I’ve been going to Bootcamp on and off for 3 years now, and I have yet to attend a class that was the same as any of the others.  And I love that about it; the variety keeps me coming back.  I know what to expect with Shaun T.  And I’m dreading getting up in the morning to see him.  I’m not looking forward to my workouts.  I’m not even feeling good about them when I’m done; I haven’t pushed myself to feel as sore as I am now, 2 days after Bootcamp, because I don’t like Insanity.  I’m doing the workout, I’m going through the motions, and my HR Monitor tells me I’m burning between 4 and 500 calories per workout.  But I don’t like it.  And I don’t see myself continuing this after the 63 days are over.

I stated before I listed my “goals” for 2013 that I wanted to make lifestyle changes, not resolutions that would be so hard that I would give up on them a few days or weeks into it.  I also stated that one of my goals was to finish a round of Insanity.  That leaves me torn.  I know I made a goal to finish a round of Insanity.  I also know this is a program that I will likely never do again, which completely goes against my lifestyle changes goal.  I thought about this a lot yesterday.  Why am I doing Insanity? Because I had hopes it would help me lose serious weight.  Because I wanted to get stronger, more toned muscles.  Because I made a commitment to do it.

Right now, the only reason I’m still doing it is that last one.  I’m pretty sure there’s not enough straight cardio to help me drop pounds the way running was.  And I’m getting toned muscles, but there’s a lot of fat still over those toned muscles, and I’m just not going to see the definition I want right now without more fat loss from straight cardio.  I think I’ve come to a good solution for this, but I’m curious what you think.  I’m half way through Insanity right now, on week 5 of 9.  I’m considering modifying the remainder of the program as follows:

Continue with Insanity for 3 days a week, instead of 6, so that I can add more variety and running back into my routine.

Monday: Insanity
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Insanity
Thursday: Run
Friday: Insanity
Saturday: Bootcamp and/or Run
Sunday: Rest

That’s still 6 days a week of exercise.  I reserve the right to take an additional rest day as needed, because sometimes 6 days a week is just too much, but I think it’s a good goal to aim for.  What do you think? Am I giving up to easily? What would you do?


  1. I think as long as you are working out, then you're good. If you aren't digging Insanity, you aren't going to want to do it, you won't give it your all, and you will probably get burnt out. If you LOVE Bootcamp, then do it! Your goal is to get healthier, that's more important than doing a certain amount of days of ONE workout!

  2. I think you have to monitor and adjust. You aren't "failing" at anything because you are doing things that are taking you steps closer to your goal. Do what you gotta do, girl.

  3. I would keep doing insanity and get that goal of completing a whole round, when doing weights as opposed to just cardio your calorie burn during exercise is lower, but your after burn is higher... and muscle burns calories when you are sitting around doing nothing, if nothing else, its only 90 days out of the year, you can up your cardio after you finish! But thats just my opinion! Either way, great job on kicking butt and working out regularly!

  4. That's a hard one. Hmmm. Would you feel badly about changing the routine? Like would it make you feel like you were quitting?? I end up beating myself up about things like that.

    If you wouldn't feel badly about changing your routine, then change it. Working out shouldn't be torture, it should be enjoyable. YOu're still moving and being active and that's awesome.

  5. Thanks for all the input girls! Honestly, all of your different thoughts are exactly what is running through my mind...that I should just stick with it because it's only 4 1/2 more weeks and then I can say I did it....or that I should love doing it so why am I torturing myself...or that I'd be a quitter if I didn't do the program as designed....decisions decisions....

  6. I am in the same boat with Insanity. I do so much better in group classes. I feel like I slack at home doing videos by myself...and I HATE insanity. And I don't lose with just insanity, but when I started running again, it got much better. My schedule with Insanity is more doing running and when I don't feel like going to the gym in the morning, I do insanity. So I've only done 2 weeks of insanity. But, it does help me hate it less. :)

  7. Hi. I totally understand what your situation. I am a P90X drop out. I made it 60ish days out of 90. I freaking hated it. Hated it!!!! I had to force myself to do it. But, I did manage to do the 30 Day Shred for 30 days straight and immediately followed that up with 30 days of Ripped In 30. While I didn't hate Jillian as much as I hated P90X, it still was not fun. But you know what, there is something cook about saying that I did it. That I graduated!!

    It does look like you made it pretty far in the program....at almost half way?? I would stick with it and finish it out....because you may also like saying you graduated. You might regret not finishing it but do you think you will regret sticking with it.

    After that lesson learned. Working out needs to be varied and somewhat enjoyable in order for us to stick with it. It's kind of goofy for us to set these rules that we need to do some "program". Ha. I say that and I just started Turbofire....and it's 90 stinking days. I didn't set any rule that I need to finish it. I am just using it in FEB for my final push to tone up before my boudoir snaps. After I take them, I will re-evaluate.

    1. Thanks for the input Jen! I agree that it would be nice to say I "graduated" from the program, but I decided to run yesterday and I felt so much better today doing Insanity as a result! I think I may modify a little further so that I'm still doing 4 days of Insanity (as opposed to the 6 that the program calls for)...bootcamp is very similar to the Insanity workouts so I think that's an equal trade, and there's always a "recovery day" built in, so I think I may just run on those days to give myself a break from the monotony! I think if I do it this way I'll still feel like I can say that I "graduated" and feel good about finishing!


I love comments! Leave me a note and tell me what you think! :)