Feb 25, 2013

FlipBelt Giveaway!!!

**Edited 3/1/12: The contest is now over, but you can use FlipBelt Coupon code "BBB" at checkout to get 10% your order at FlipBelt.com!!  Tell them I sent you and be sure to check out my review post!!

Over this weekend, this little ol’ blog I’ve got going here hit 100 Followers (now at 103!).  Thank you all for following my journey, and for keeping me going even when I want to quit! 


Before I get into my “thank you present”, I wanted to tell you quickly about a 21 day challenge idea that my pal Heather came up with.  It takes 21 days to form a habit, so she’s challenging herself to 21 days straight of exercise.  I’m feeling pretty good on the exercise front, so I’m going to make this 21 day challenge about my diet: 21 days of logging EVERYTHING I eat into MFP, and staying within my calorie range.  This will be challenging for sure, but I think it’d doable, and I’m excited to see how much progress I can make in the next 3 weeks.  (Did I mention if you start today it ends on St. Patrick’s day!? That’s cause for celebration!!)  Go over and check out Heather’s cool post-it idea, I might just steal that one!

 Anywhoo, as my way of saying thank you to you all for following, without further ado, I present, my FlipBelt Giveaway!!

I did a post last week reviewing my favorite new workout accessory, my FlipBelt (see this post for more info).  In a nutshell, it's a wide "tube" belt, sort of like the fold-over top on your yoga pants (and yes it's that comfortable), that has openings for you to slide your stuff in and out of.  It holds your keys, wallet, phone, etc. securely while working out, and you even have the option of flipping it so that the openings face inward and your items are more secure (although I've yet to find a need for this, my items stay pretty secure without flipping, even when I'm running!).

I love this thing so much that I contacted FlipBelt and they agreed to give one lucky follower a new FlipBelt in the size and color of their choice (yay!)  The giveaway is pretty simple.

First, you must be a follower of this blog, so go over to the sidebar and click "Join This Site" in the followers section if you haven't already.  You also need to head over to the FlipBelt website and tell me which color you want (I have pink and violet)! Now see the giveaway box below? Simply enter your name and email (email won't be shared with anyone), click the box stating you're a follower, and write your favorite color in the box. Those are all required, and will award you TWO entries for doing them.

 You also have the chance for 4 bonus entries.

1.       Like Babe Before Baby on Facebook

2.       Social Media:

a.       Follow Babe Before Baby on Instagram (@babebeforebaby)

b.       Follow me on Pinterest

c.       Pin this giveaway on Pinterest!
When you've done those, be sure to come back here and click the boxes below to get credit for them!


The giveaway will run until midnight Thursday (EST), and I will announce a winner on Friday. The winner will be randomly chosen using www.random.org.


  1. love my flip belt! been wanting to get another one in a different color! thanks for running this giveaway!!!

  2. Ohhh! Pick me! Pick me! Love your blog. Dying to get a Flip Belt! (Am I the only one who wants one in every color?)

  3. I want one soo bad! I will have to go buy one if I dont win!!!!

  4. Awesome!!! I love this giveaway!!! Good luck on the new challenge. I think I might try that also!

  5. Love this! Thank you for this giveaway! I've heard a lot about these lately.

  6. Would LOVE this!! Went for a run yesterday and it was a disaster with all my junk I wanted to carry....

  7. I neeeed this!! pick me, pick me! And thanks for the shout out. :]

  8. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  9. I want this so bad! Do you think it would fit a Galaxy S3 with an otterbox case on it? My phone is no joke! Ha

    1. Good question; the belt is pretty stretchy, so I think it will fit, but getting it in and out easily might be tricky! I notice that my Iphone 4S, with the cover on is not very easy to slide in an out, but if I take the cover off it works better (my cover has gripper things on the side though, so that might be part of it!).

  10. I've been so busy at work I'm just catching up on all the blogs I follow. I LOVE your/Heather's idea for the 21 day challenge. I'm putting the stickies (once I steal them from work tomorrow lol) on my full length mirror in my room and I'm starting tomorrow! I'm also doing food since that's what I've been struggling with and I don't have as much of a challenge with getting workouts in. Yay! Great idea Heather!

  11. Also - I really want that flipbelt! I was going to use Brandi's code if I got to my goal by 2/10 and alas ... didn't. I will get one though when I get to 185!


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