Feb 4, 2013

Motivation Monday

This past weekend was a whirlwind of events…I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to think!  My weekend started at 5am Friday morning, up super early to get in my Insanity before traveling for work for the day.  I rushed home from out of state for 5:30pm, when we picked up my niece and headed out to grab dinner before the hockey game we were taking her to.  My niece slept over, but we had to be back up at 6:30am to get her ready to go back home since she had something to do early and I had Bootcamp at 8:30.  Bootcamp, then a white trash shower and a first birthday party (2 hours away).  Back home by 4pm, insert manic house cleaning in preparation for Sunday’s Super bowl party and a trip to the grocery store.  Sunday back up to be at the diner by 6:30am, home by 2, showered and start cooking for our guests that arrived around 4.  Super bowl black-out which meant guests didn’t leave until 11:30…and insert yawn here.

 From Thursday night through Sunday night, I ate literally 1 meal at home, and that meal was the Super bowl gorge-fest we put on last night, so it didn’t exactly balance my eating out all weekend.  I’m busy.  I get it.  I found a way to make time for exercise by getting up extra early on Friday and Saturday, but I didn’t find a way to make my diet work.  I ate crappy on Thursday night, and Friday morning I had a bagel for breakfast (not awful but not great either).  Friday at lunch I had a flatbread that I think was relatively healthy, but by dinner I was starving since I’d been on the road all day and stuffed my face with sesame chicken at a Chinese food restaurant.   Saturday morning, egg white flatbread from DD for breakfast, pizza for lunch, leftover pizza for dinner.  Sunday morning, bagel for breakfast, blueberry muffin for lunch (both of these were at the diner I work at, not very many healthy options to choose from!) and then everything under the sun for dinner.


I almost cried when I saw the scale this morning, but reviewing my weekend, it’s no wonder I saw a gain.  I start the day off with good intentions and when I’m faced with the real-life temptations of pizza and Chinese food, I can’t control myself.  I have more willpower at home, no question about it, but I came to the realization this morning that life is not going to stop because I’m on a diet.  My schedule will always be crazy.  There will never be a “good time” for me to focus on my food, because it’s always going to be hard.  I have to focus on my diet or I will never see the changes I want.  I have to start planning my meals, and planning my time away from home better.  I’m not sure what the answer to pizza parties is just yet, but I have to stick to my diet much more strictly, especially when I know a pizza party is on the schedule.  I have (yet another) birthday party on Sunday for my BFF’s son’s first birthday, and yes, it’s a pizza party.  I am traveling out of state again all day on Friday, but otherwise (right now) I have no other obligations.  I will not eat out this week aside from those 2 planned events.  I will make smart choices.  I will get better at this eventually!

How did your weekend go?


  1. It always sucks to fall off the bandwagon but I think sometimes it gives us that boost we need to get back at it and try harder! You can do it this week! I will be doing the same! It is a new day and we can't rewind and redo, so we might as well move forward!! :)

  2. I sat at a bar Saturday for 5 hours eating an array of appetizers and drinking high gravity beer. Yesterday for the game I had ribs, chips and cheese dip and 2 pigs in a blanket. I think it is safe to say that I will not step on the scale until Friday, when the bloat goes away!

  3. Thank you for this post. I have totally been struggling with too much going on and how to balance my diet. You got this!


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