Mar 11, 2013

Weekend Recap and Rewards

I have to start with the obvious.  I EFFING HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS. ‘Nuff said.

Good thing Monday’s are a planned rest day for me, because my ass was not getting out of bed this morning!

Let’s get to a quick weekend recap shall we? If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you saw the picture I posted this weekend of my old jeans; I did a little closet purging of larger sizes that don’t fit anymore and decided to do a little comparison.

18s on the bottom where I started, layered with 16s, 14s, and now 12s on top where I am today.  I can’t wait to get 10s and 8s on that pile too!

Saturday was dinner out with friends.  I worked extra hard at Bootcamp Saturday morning knowing we were going out for Italian food.

I was REALLY good with my diet all day, and I vowed not to eat the bread they put on the table before the meal comes.  Our reservations were for 7:45, but we sat down early at about 7:40…but by 8:15 we were just ordering drinks! (The service was a little slow!).  After a giant glass of wine and an uncomfortably hungry stomach, I succumbed to the bread trap…our meals didn’t arrive until after 9pm and I was starving people! I had penne alla’ vodka, one of my all-time favorite Italian dishes, and probably about a loaf of bread.  Oops.

I won’t bore you with the rest of the details of my weekend, except to tell you that I did much better Sunday and got in a 3 mile run outside since it was so beautiful.  Oh and I tried out a recipie for an icecream/fro-yo free Skinny Shamrock Shake that my pal Liz shared, it wasn't too bad!
So on to this morning, and my REWARD for hitting the 180s….
My new coat! It’s from Target.  I love it.  I may or may not have bought it a few weeks ago in anticipation of this milestone J(I also may or may not have bought the dress that I’m wearing today too… J)

My DietBet ends this Wednesday, and I’m feeling pretty good about hitting my 4%, so here’s to a good week!!


  1. You look fabulous! Way to go! That sounds like HORRIBLE service. That stinks that you had to wait that long.

    1. Thanks K! The food was fantastic and we had great company so it wasn't as bad as it could've been! :)

  2. You look wonderful!! Great job on your new number! I ate terrible yesterday but today is a new day!

    1. Yep Saturday night was my terrible eating moment too! I am hopefully that I can stay in the 180s after my Italian binge-fest! :)

  3. I love the new clothes... and the pants comparison! SO amazing!!!

    1. Thanks Melissa! I cannot WAIT to add 10s and 8s to that comparison pile! :)

  4. What an awesome visual inspiration!!! And OMG that dress! You look great ;)

  5. You are looking great! Love that comparison of your pants!

  6. SUPER CUTE CLOTHES!!! Also, as far as that bread thing goes, I would have made the same decision, you don't want to go into hangry mode in public!

  7. Question: what weight were you at a size 16, 14, and 12? How much weight did you have to loose to drop a size? I am about your size at starting point and jw how long it took you.

    1. Hey Mary! My body takes about 15 pounds to drop a pants size. I was in 18s when I was over 230 (232 was my heaviest), 16s were probably from about 215-230, 14s from about 200-215, and I'm in 12s since I hit the 190s. I'm hoping to see 10s very soon!


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