Jul 17, 2013

25 minutes!? Errebody got time fo' dat!

Today I tried my second Focus T25 workout, and I have to say, I’m totally digging it!

Let me backup…I had to travel for work last night, and didn’t get home until midnight.  But I was feeling totally dedicated, and set my alarm for 5am to get up for my regular Bootcamp class….and when that alarm went off this morning, I felt like I had just fallen asleep!  4/5 hours of sleep is no bueno for intense workout!  So I made a decision to go back to bed for another hour and a half…that’s right…HOUR AND A HALF!

T25 is only 25 minutes, and I do it in my basement, so I only need a ½ hour to get it done.  Bootcamp is a 20 minute drive from my house.  And it’s an hour long, plus another 20 minute drive home where I have to frantically get ready for work after sweating my arse off in a no AC warehouse.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Bootcamp, it’s a great workout…but T25 is VERY similar, and WAY more convenient for me.  In fact, I realized this morning while doing my Total Body Circuit dvd that my Bootcamp instructor (who just so happens to be a beachbody coach), has been using the moves from T25 in our bootcamps for WEEKS now!  There's no question that this is a tough workout either...don't think since it's only 25 minutes you won't get a good burn, because I was spent this morning!
This is me laying on the ground saying "WOOOOO!!!" after my workout!
People...I pay almost $130 for a ten class bootcamp punch card...if I can replace even a few classes a week with this workout I'll be saving some serious cash monies! (Not to mention gas $$!)

There are a LOT of days where I wake up with no motivation to work out.  The thought of only having to suffer through 25 minutes is pretty damn awesome if you ask me, and I think I’ll be able to stick with it for that reason….25 minutes is nothing compared to the rest of your day!!  If you're wondering if you can make it through this workout, there is a modifier that does some pretty basic moves...when I felt like I couldn't do it anymore, I just followed her until my heart rate came back down and I felt like I could do more.  I'm telling you, this workout is going to be the most popular program ever!
As a reminder, spots are filling up fast in my T25 challenge group starting August 5th, so please email me if you’re interested in learning more! Babebeforebaby@gmail.com

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