Jul 26, 2013

Fit Fab Friday: burnt out

Confessions of a fat girl:  when my schedule is hectic, I still revert to my fat girl ways :(
This week has been a whirlwind..dinners out with family, traveling for work, catered lunch meetings..and I'm typing this post while I'm waiting at my doctor's office for my yearly exam (which I almost forgot about!) 
Seriously...I think I've eaten at home maybe once since Saturday? I've been so busy I've skipped workouts, missed my shakeology drink in the morning for 3 out of the last 5 days, and made some bad food choices (mostly because I didn't have a lot of choice because of food provided through meetings, but still)
I'm officially exhausted.
I feel like crap from eating so poorly, my digestion is suffering because I haven't been taking my shakeology drink everyday, and my workouts are harder to get through.  I have to remember that it's important to make time for myself on weeks like this, but I'm trying not to be too hard on myself either.  Sometimes life gets in the way. I'm not perfect by any means, but I've come a long way, and I just have to take it one day at a time.  I'll try to catch my breathe this weekend, but the important thing to remember is to just keep swimming.  Tomorrow is a new day!

Jul 23, 2013

Transformation Tuesday: Progress Pics

Good morning!
In case you're new here, you should visit my Progress Pics tab to see my past progress, which I've been trying to update every 10 pounds or so.  This round of progress pics is more like 14 pounds, but it's still better than nothing right?? Honestly people...if you're on a weight loss journey, you NEED to take pictures!! Sometimes the scale can be stubborn, and you can go weeks without seeing it budge, but pictures don't lie, and when I'm having a bad day (or week...or month...) I can always look at these and remember how very far I've come.  I'm still a work in progress, but I've accomplished a lot so far, and I'm pretty proud of that!

I've been trying to use the same clothes to take my progress pics in, but as you can see, it might be time to retire these shorts, they're getting pretty big on me!

And now for the side by side from my last progress pics:

And the best ones...side by side from my start weight:

I've got about 20 pounds or so left to go on this journey, and I'm convinced that my newfound love affair with Shakeology will help get me there...it's gotten the scale moving for me again even though my eating hasn't been 100% on point, and I'm really starting to notice a difference in my biggest problem area (my thighs) with these last few pounds.  It's so close I can TASTE IT!!
I want to see your Transformation Tuesday pictures! If you follow me on instagram, tag @babebeforebaby in your comments so I can check you out! (And make sure your profile is public or I won't be able to see!)

Jul 17, 2013

25 minutes!? Errebody got time fo' dat!

Today I tried my second Focus T25 workout, and I have to say, I’m totally digging it!

Let me backup…I had to travel for work last night, and didn’t get home until midnight.  But I was feeling totally dedicated, and set my alarm for 5am to get up for my regular Bootcamp class….and when that alarm went off this morning, I felt like I had just fallen asleep!  4/5 hours of sleep is no bueno for intense workout!  So I made a decision to go back to bed for another hour and a half…that’s right…HOUR AND A HALF!

T25 is only 25 minutes, and I do it in my basement, so I only need a ½ hour to get it done.  Bootcamp is a 20 minute drive from my house.  And it’s an hour long, plus another 20 minute drive home where I have to frantically get ready for work after sweating my arse off in a no AC warehouse.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Bootcamp, it’s a great workout…but T25 is VERY similar, and WAY more convenient for me.  In fact, I realized this morning while doing my Total Body Circuit dvd that my Bootcamp instructor (who just so happens to be a beachbody coach), has been using the moves from T25 in our bootcamps for WEEKS now!  There's no question that this is a tough workout either...don't think since it's only 25 minutes you won't get a good burn, because I was spent this morning!
This is me laying on the ground saying "WOOOOO!!!" after my workout!
People...I pay almost $130 for a ten class bootcamp punch card...if I can replace even a few classes a week with this workout I'll be saving some serious cash monies! (Not to mention gas $$!)

There are a LOT of days where I wake up with no motivation to work out.  The thought of only having to suffer through 25 minutes is pretty damn awesome if you ask me, and I think I’ll be able to stick with it for that reason….25 minutes is nothing compared to the rest of your day!!  If you're wondering if you can make it through this workout, there is a modifier that does some pretty basic moves...when I felt like I couldn't do it anymore, I just followed her until my heart rate came back down and I felt like I could do more.  I'm telling you, this workout is going to be the most popular program ever!
As a reminder, spots are filling up fast in my T25 challenge group starting August 5th, so please email me if you’re interested in learning more! Babebeforebaby@gmail.com

Jul 16, 2013

Yay for Non Scale Victories!

Today I did something I’ve never done before. 

I ran outside…in SHORTS.  This is a big deal people.  I haven’t worn shorts in public for a long time..probably since high school (I wear capris to hide my bumpy thighs!), but this summer, I’ve managed to step out in shorts a few times now. 
(This was my goal outfit for my Fit by the 4th Challenge)
Working out in shorts is even worse though..it has always intimidated me … I’d feel even more self-conscious with everything bouncing and jiggling around for the world to see.

But we’re going through a heat wave in CT right now…and frankly I was too damn hot to care.  And you know what? I didn’t feel bad about my legs AT ALL. When I’ve worn shorts in the privacy of my own home in the  past (on the dreadmill), I’ve had serious problems with the shorts ridiing up and my thighs chaffing.  Not today! My thighs must be doing some serious shrinking because my running shorts stayed put and I didn’t have any issues…in fact, I forgot I was wearing shorts at all!

I feel like this is a HUGE NSV for me….I honestly never thought I’d get to a point where I felt comfortable exposing my thighs (and I thought they’d never get small enough to not chafe!).  I’ve still got a ways to go, but I’m happy about the progress I’ve made so far, and can’t wait to see what changes happen over the next few months when I start T25!
What are some NSVs that you've had this week?

Jul 10, 2013

Shakeology One week Review and an August Challenge group

As most of you know by now, I started using Shakeology about a week ago (last Saturday).

I’ve tried 2 flavors: Chocolate, and Vanilla.
I did like the chocolate, but felt that the flavor was almost TOO chocolatey…like when you made chocolate milk as a kid with way to much syrup in it?  Tasty, but I couldn’t see myself doing that every day.

I tried the vanilla next, and I have to say, I’m LOVING it.  The taste by itself is pretty good…sweet like a vanilla milkshake, with a small aftertaste like you might get if you threw a handful of spinach into your smoothie.

The past few days I’ve been using the “Vanilla Latte” recipe in the morning: 1 cup cold coffee (I brewed the night before and left in the fridge), ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla Shakeology, and a handful of ice cubes.  I’m telling you, this stuff is TASTY! It was like a Frappuccino from Starbucks, but WAY better for you! (And absolutely no aftertaste with this recipe!)  The original recipe calls for honey, but I tried it without and found I didn’t really need it (but I like my coffee without sugar so you might feel different).  I can see myself drinking this every freakin’ day.  Seriously.  It feels like I’m cheating it’s so good!

Let’s talk about what this stuff is doing for me.  At first, to be honest…I wasn’t sure it was doing much.  I will say that Saturday I didn’t find the need/urge to grab a cup of coffee in the morning, but I ate like garbage that day as part of my holi-weekend binge, and Sunday was much of the same.  I have to say though…by Tuesday I was changing my tune.  My digestion has improved 100%...as in, I haven’t taken my daily dose of Metamucil since I started, and things are A.O.K. in that department ;)

I also have to say I was SHOCKED at how fast it got me back on track after my weekend binge-fest.  I’m ashamed to say that Monday morning when I stepped on the scale, I was up a ridiculous amount…187 to be exact.  I had Shakeology and ate well on Monday, and by Tuesday I was back down to 183 (I know, water weight, but still…this is the fastest I’ve ever rebounded from vacation gain).  As for this morning, I’m back down to 181…not too shabby considering how high I was on Monday, and I’m hoping to be back in the 170s come my weigh-in on Friday!!

So..the short version is I’m really liking this product.  My digestion is better.  My energy is up.  My weight is down, even if it is just water weight.  I felt AWESOME at Bootcamp this morning, and despite the high heat and humidity, I CRUSHED it, burning 685 calories in the hour long class (this is higher than normal, I usually do around 630-650).

So I’m going to stick with using Shakeology.  I’m excited to see what changes it brings after another week, or after a full month of use. Last month, I did pretty well with my #fitbythe4th challenge, and I know a lot of you did great too.  I find I do better with a specific goal or challenge in mind, so with that being said, I’m starting a new Challenge, and I’d love for you to join me!

Starting August 5th, I’ll be hosting a private challenge group on FB (meaning you have to be invited to gain access, and only those in the group can see what you post; it won’t show up in anyone else’s news feeds if you “like”, post, or comment on someone else’s posts.) The best part is, you’ll get private 1-on-1 support, motivation, recipe ideas and more!

The challenge group will use Beachbody’s newest workout: T25 Focus along with Shakeology to help achieve your health and fitness goals.

If you haven’t heard about T25, it’s by the same guy that does Insanity (Shaun T), so think Insanity style workout, but in only 25 minutes a day, and for only 5 days a week (YUP, you get 2 rest days!).  The Shakeology part is certainly optional, but I’m going to do both to see if I can get faster result. 

If you’re interested in joining me, please leave a comment below or email me at babebeforebaby@gmail.com for more info! This is your chance to get some serious results with an intimate support team at your disposal! I’m only taking on a few people in order to keep the group more intimate, so be sure to contact me asap!

Jul 8, 2013

Getting back at it after a long weekend

If you’re anything like me, you just let your holi-DAY turn into a holi-WEEKEND…a 4 day weekend to be exact.  I had all intentions of splurging on Thursday, and getting right back at on Friday…but those intentions went out the window when I started snacking on Smartfood popcorn at 11am (that damn popcorn is the DEVIL I tell you!!)  I also struggled a little bit because I went to my dad’s lake house where there is NO cell or internet service.
(Beautiful but no contact with the real world!)

I missed checking in with IG and FB for motivation, and I couldn’t look up any calories on MFP to keep track (addicted much!?!).  So I just ate without logging.  And then I ate some more.

And then I did what I always do…well today is a bust anyways, might as well keep eating…

So Saturday I woke up with great intentions.  But it was so hot.  And I was feeling kindof crappy from all the food and alcohol.  And I was HUNGRY.  (Enough excuses for you??)  Looking back, I’m pretty sure that I just ate so much crap food that my body started craving it again, whereas before one cheat meal wouldn’t do that to me.  I ate like crap on Saturday….and then Sunday…well I figured I could just start fresh on Monday….

And so the avalanche begins. 

But this is where is stops. I cannot let one bad weekend derail my progress.  I did SO well last month, and I’m not about to let July go to waste.

I woke up early, went to Bootcamp (super hard when you’ve been eating crappy food all weekend!)

I’m going to do my best to make sure that this past weekend doesn’t define my week OR my month.

I’m going to do some meal planning today, and hit the grocery store after work tonight.  I really want to be in the 170s still come this Friday’s weigh-in, so I’m going to work hard to pay for these past 4 days of sin.

We have to remember that we’re not perfect.  We all fall down.  The key to this whole thing is getting back up.  Get back up just one more time than you fall, and you will be successful. 

So this is me, telling you to JUST DO IT.
Get back up with me.  No excuses.  You CAN and you WILL.

Tell me what you're going to do to stay on track and make sure this week is gonna rock!

Jul 6, 2013

Fit Fab Thursday!? Fit by the 4th Special Edition!

Ok I know I owe you my weekly weigh-in tomorrow, but I’m traveling for a few days for the holiday and won’t have access to the internet (or my scale!)

I would first like to report that my #fitbythe4th challenge was a smashing success! Not only did I manage to hit both of my diet bets, I started a great streak in MyFitnessPal that I feel pretty good about keeping up with now that it’s become such a strong habit (you can add me as a friend if you’d like: babebeforebaby).

I had my first personal training session this morning with the place I go to Bootcamp at (I bought a 3 session groupon a few weeks ago, so I’ll go the next few Thursday mornings), and it was a GREAT experience, I’m super happy with this mornings session and excited to see if one day a week will bring me any noticeable results.

Next week, I’ll tell you about a new Challenge that I’m starting to get in great shape by Labor day weekend (can you believe it’s only 8 weeks from tomorrow??)

Anywho, I owe you my weigh-in pic:
OOOOHHHHH EMMMMM GEEEEE.  I can’t believe I’m seeing this number.  I can’t believe it starts with 17!!  I’ve never been in the 170s as an adult.  EVER. 

WOOOO HOOOOOO!!! (Insert naked happy dance here!)

Now here’s hoping I stay on track this weekend to keep that number going down next week!

Happy Fourth of July!!