Aug 15, 2013


One year ago today, on a random yet fateful Wednesday in August, I made a leap of faith and decided to start this little ol’ blog here in my little corner of the internet.

I didn’t know what to expect when I did this, except that I knew I was fed up with feeling the way I was about my weight…I was depressed, disgusted, and just generally miserable in my own skin.  I figured this would be an outlet to track my maybe hold me accountable if I had someone to answer to on weigh-in day.  To put my goals down in writing so that I would be forced to reach for them.

I never, in a million years, would have thought this little blog would bring me so much happiness.

Thank you for sticking with me through this journey. 
Thank you for your encouragement when I wanted to quit. 
Thank you for not judging me on my numerous setbacks. 
I’ll even thank those that were critical of me, because it just made me want to prove you wrong.

In one year’s time, I went from barely being able to run 1 minute at a time on Labor day weekend and the start of my Couch to 5k program, to running a 5k in November, to running my first half marathon in June. 

I went from a (very tight) size 18 to a comfortable size 10. 

I saw the scale go down lower than I ever have in my adult life. 

I tried things I never would have considered in the past, like a round of Insanity. 

I killed it at Bootcamp. 

I got some serious arm muscles.

 I’m starting to see some ab definition.

I slowly, but surely, have learned to listen to my body.  I’m still on this journey.  I still have another 20 pounds to go to hit my goal.  But I have learned to be more comfortable in this body.  I have become damn proud of how far I’ve come.  I have begun to conquer a poor body image that has haunted me my entire life.  And I have you all to thank for this.  I was genuinely terrified to start this blog.  To have people I know in “real life” stumble upon it and know how much I weighed, or see some awful and embarrassing photos of me.  I didn’t even tell my husband I was doing this until about 6 months in!  I’m still not entirely comfortable, but part of me loves telling people that I’ve lost over 50 pounds.  The crazy thing is, a lot of people don’t believe me, so I end up pulling up one of my before/after(during) shots to prove it. 

It IS hard work.  Staying motivated.  Staying determined.  But you know what? It’s worth it. 

I lose my way sometimes, but this blog always helps me to get back on track, more so than I would if I were on my own.

YOU are my support group.
YOU are my motivation. 
YOU are my inspiration.

I love getting comments and emails from you all, it seriously makes my day/week/month/YEAR!

I want to return the favor to you all;  I want to support you just as much as you support me, so if you have a blog please leave me a comment so I can follow you too, and if you don’t have a blog, there’s still something to be said about writing out your goals.  I’m considering starting a private Facebook Support group for those that have weight to lose and want some personal support, so leave me a comment or shoot me an email, I’d really love to help if I have enough interest!  (

So enough of the mushy talk already, but THANK YOU for an amazing year, and here’s to an even better next year!

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