Sep 9, 2013

T25 Alpha Round Complete!

I know, my posts have been so erratic lately, and I really am sorry about that.  I’m trying my best here to squeeze it all in, and it’s honestly just impossible sometimes to do it all!

Last week was pretty awful…I started with my traumatic run experience on Monday, a water logged phone that left me feeling totally out of my element for half the week, a crazy schedule that made it impossible to eat dinner at home even once, and a shit-storm at work that had me working 50 hours in 4 days.  So needless to say, I think I get a pass on no posts for the end of last week (Please??)

Anyways, I did want to give you my mid-way update on T25.  I’ve officially completed the first round of the program (the “Alpha” round), and as of Saturday, these are my stats:


While my weight loss isn’t ideal, LOOK AT THOSE INCHES!! I can’t believe how much this program is changing my body, I’ve never seen these kinds of results with any program before, and that includes those intense hour long Bootcamp classes that I was going to!

These last 20 pounds are the hardest, I knew that when I started, but I’m getting a little ansy to see more scale movement, and I know that my diet is a HUGE part of that.  I didn’t do myself any favors last week with my eating because my schedule got so crazy, but yesterday was a disaster…I’m talking all day gorge fest after my almost 12 mile run!

I have such a hard time when I run long distances keeping my eating in check…it just makes me so hungry!  I’m going to try to reign it in this week, so I’ll try to keep you updated on how I’m doing!
In the meantime, if you're at all interested in T25 and/or Shakeology, comment below or shoot me an email ( as I do have a few spots left in my upcoming support/accountability group!
Here's to an awesome week!


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