Jan 6, 2014

Fresh Start

I’m here to put in writing my starting stats for the New Year.
No, they’re not pretty, but I’m not going to sit here and beat myself up about it. 

For me, weight loss has never been easy.  I work really hard to lose the weight, and it seems to come back on waaay too easily.  Weight loss has never been a linear journey for me, but I’m sure it hasn’t for most people out there.  We’re human, life happens.

I try to be as honest with you as possible about my setbacks, because I don’t want to sugarcoat this process; sometimes it sucks, and it feels like it’s so much easier to just give up.  We’re constantly surrounded by images of famously thin models and actresses who make fitness and a toned physique seem so easy.  I’m learning that a lot of what we see in print, on TV, in the magazines, has been doctored or photoshopped, and we’re forced as a society to hold ourselves to this unrealistic standard of what beauty should be.

I’m here to make a stand against that.
I am not perfect.  I have rolls and stretch marks, and right now I’m pretty damn bloated.  But I would never alter an image to make it seem that I’m anything but what you would see if you met me in person.

I know that because I’ve chosen to put my journey out there, that you now come to expect that I share all aspects of my journey with you..even when it’s downright ugly, no matter how embarrassed I might be.

So, yes I’ve gained some weight back.  And as embarrassing as it is to admit that on a weight-loss blog, I have to keep in mind that I’ve come a long way on this journey.  While I know I could have done better last month, I spent some amazing quality time with my family, friends, and loved ones, and I chose not to stress out about what I would or wouldn’t put into my mouth.  I got sick, encountered a nasty Crohn’s flare up (which is still ongoing by the way), and was embarrassingly lazy about getting workouts in, but December is over, and I’m looking at January with fresh eyes.

Life happens.  Setbacks happen.  But the silver lining about setbacks is that they remind you that this is a journey that has no end.  This is a lifestyle change, and you can never just “go back” to the way things were before, or your body will go back there too.  So am I proud of these 2014 starting stats? Right now, no, but I am proud of myself for not letting a setback define the rest of this journey.  This is a starting point, and I will only go down from here.
2014 Start weight: 189
Goal weight: 158

I have 31 pounds to lose. I am determined and focused, and these next few weeks are going to be hard as I get back into the swing of things, but I’m going to do it if it kills me.  2014, here I come.

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