Feb 28, 2014

The scale

This is a touchy subject, because I know a lot of women fight to get a lower number on the scale.  I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not happy with my number as it stands today.  But I AM happy, and grateful even, for the progress that I see my body make when I stay on point with my diet and exercise goals.  When I’m eating healthy, and working out regularly, I’m always amazed at the immediate changes I see.
The energy increases. 
The more defined muscles. 
The regular sleep patterns. 
The eliminated cravings for bad foods. 
And typically I also see a lower scale number….which seems to outshine (or overshadow on bad days) any other progress I might be making. 
I know I post stats a lot on this blog…weight, height, measurements, etc, and we use them as a gauge for progress, but it’s so important to look at those other things too.  Those “non scale victories” are just as important, if not MORE important than the number on the scale.
Here’s the reality of the situation.  I’m 5’-10” tall.  So is Adrianna Lima. 

She’s a supermodel with a small frame, and weighs in at 135 pounds.  She has a gorgeous body, but has a very different bone structure than I do.  I don’t think it’s realistic to think that I’ll ever weigh 135 pounds (in a healthy manner).
Molly Galbraith, creator of an amazing group called “Girls Gone Strong”, is also 5’-10” tall.  Shown here at her lowest weight (achieved for figured competition), she’s at around 155.
She’s actually blogged about how that wasn’t a maintainable weight for her with her body, and that she encountered all kinds of health ramifications by dropping that low.  (She jokes she’s not smiling in that picture for a reason).  She’s written more about how she’s more comfortable in the low 170s.
Same height.  WAY different numbers and goals.  Is one woman better than the other because of the scale number? Absolutely not.
I try to keep that in perspective when I start obsessing over the scale numbers.  Don’t compare your number to someone else’s.  Your body is totally unique, and while it may seem like common sense to find a friend or accountability partner who is the same weight as you or even the same height, every body is different.  Even my sisters and I, with the same parents, are built very differently, and I would never try to compare our body types.  My point is this: your body is uniquely yours.  You can and should fight to make it the healthiest, best version of YOU that you can.  But that number on the scale only defines your relationship with gravity, so don’t make it the only factor in your journey (I know, easier said than done, but it’s something I’m working on!).

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