Jul 31, 2014

BUMPdate: 15 Weeks!

Quick side note: in case you don't follow me on my other social media sites like Facebook or Instagram, I'm a daily challenge winner with Beachbody today! Check out my story here:

And now back to our regularly scheduled program, which is (I know), a day late because frankly I was too damn tired yesterday from traveling to even think about a blog post! Anywho, here it is!

How far along are you: 15 weeks

Fruit: This week baby is the size of a navel orange

Baby bump: Same answer as last week…..I mostly just feel bloated and fat right now...I'm looking forward to the day when I look like I have a real bump!

Maternity Clothes: I’m in an awkward stage right now.  Most of my pants are officially not fitting, unless they have an elastic waist band of some sort…another (unexpected) wardrobe issue? My boobs are HUGE..like to the point where some of my tops don’t fit now because of them!

Gender Guess: I’m sticking with boy still.

Stretch Marks: No new ones (yet)

Sleep: I can’t get enough, I’m tired all the time, but I end up sleeping for only a few hours at a time before getting up to pee! 

Cravings: Carbs are still a big one, and now salad with crispy chicken too (super healthy, I know).

What Makes Me Wanna Gag: Honestly plain grilled chicken is giving me a hard time still…

Exercise: PiYo and walking, though tomorrow I’m going to try for a run again!

Mood: I’ve been ok, but traveling this week has taken a lot out of me.  I feel pretty run down and just crappy in general today (and yesterday), and have been dealing with a migraine headache since Tuesday so I’m hoping that goes away soon!

Favorite thing this week: We received our first baby gift! It was a little hand puppet with farm animals and a matching book, so cute!

Excited For: I can’t wait to find out the gender so we can start shopping!!!

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