Aug 13, 2014

BUMPdate - 17 Weeks!

So I skipped week 16 last week since I was on vacation, but honestly you didn’t miss much…so here’s this week!

How far along are you: 17 weeks

Fruit: This week baby is the size of an onion (well that’s not very cute….)

Baby bump: It seems to be growing every day, but I’m pretty convinced that most people who don’t know I’m pregnant just think I’m fat ;)

Maternity Clothes: I’m still in my regular clothes for now…the only pants I can fit into are my rockstar skinnies from Old Navy, which are super stretchy…other than that, I’ve been sticking to dresses and leggings for the most part, and of course workout clothes J
(Flowy top with my rockstar skinnies, didn't feel like a dress in the rain today)
Gender Guess: I’m up in the air…I’ve had 2 dreams now with a baby girl, so who knows…only three more weeks until we find out!

Stretch Marks: No new ones (yet)

Sleep: I can’t get enough, I’m tired all the time, but I end up sleeping for only a few hours at a time before getting up to pee! My hips are starting to feel achy, so I’m seriously considering getting one of those pregnancy pillows

Cravings: This week I wanted gummy worms! So random, I haven’t had them in years, but man were they delicious!

What Makes Me Wanna Gag: My sense of smell seems to be in high gear lately know that musty smell your clothes get if you leave them in the washer too long before switching to the dryer? I feel like that’s all I can smell these days, and it totally makes me gag.

Exercise: PiYo and lots, and lots of walking.

Mood: I feel good for the most part, but I do deal with mood swings where I find myself very irritable, and I still cry pretty easily at just about everything.

Favorite thing this week: I had a super active vacation, so that made me feel better about getting back into my old exercise routines.

Excited For: I keep waiting to feel that first movement from the baby; everything says I should feel it any day now, so I’m super excited for that!

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