So I'm 5 weeks post partum as of Sunday, and I think it's safe to say I'm done losing the weight that was going to come off with child birth. I lost a significant amount of weight those first two weeks out of the hospital mainly because of my Pre Eclampsia diagnosis and the sheer amount of fluids I was retaining. My weight has leveled off by week 3 though, leading me to say it's officially my "start weight" now, and I have about 25ish pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight....not terrible, but not great either.
My post partum check-up is tomorrow, where I'm hoping I can get cleared for exercise again. Until then, I've been trying to get a little more steps in each day, and even got going on the treadmill last week. I ordered my copy of the newest Autumn Calabrese program, 21 day fix extreme, last week, but I'm planning on doing 1 or 2 rounds of the original 21 day fix before going extreme (I need to ease back into this thing!!).
I'm starting things off with another 5 day clean eating group next Monday (this is FREE if you want to join me!), and then Monday February 23rd will start up with my first post-baby round of the fix! I'm really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things...the babe is sleeping a little more soundly at night now so I'm feeling a little more human now that I'm getting more sleep :) This means that I'm running out of excuses to get back at it, time to put this plan into action!
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