Apr 13, 2015

Day 1

Today officially marks day 1 of the 21 day fix.  I’m not off to a great start.

Let’s start with last night, when my normal bedtime routine with Clara got thrown for a loop…she basically screamed uncontrollably for 2 hours, wouldn’t nurse, wouldn’t sleep, and eventually we had to give her a bottle of pumped milk to get her to eat before bed.
We finally got her down around 9:30 – an hour and a half later than normal, so all of my food prep stuff that I was planning on doing during that time frame didn't get done, and I still had to pump since she didn't breastfeed.

I didn't let that stop me though, so I prepped as fast as I could, and did some of it WHILE I was pumping (multitasking at its best, right?)
I set my alarm for 4:30am, and went to bed around 11.  Fast forward to 2:30am, and my baby is screaming her head off.  Growth spurt maybe? Who knows, but she was eating her hands fiercely so I knew she was hungry (even though she hasn't woken up for a middle of the night feeding in over a month).  By the time I fed her and got her back down, it was almost 4am…and oh did I mention, I have a nasty cold? Yeah now that Clara is in daycare she’s bringing all the germs home to me….luckily since I’m breastfeeding her she hasn’t gotten sick yet, but I’ve had no voice all weekend and a nasty cough, which means that I couldn’t fall back asleep for the life of me.  My last clock check was around 5ish…you better believe I turned off that 4:30am alarm when I put her back down in the middle of the night! I finally fell back asleep and then overslept and didn’t wake up until quarter to 7 this morning, so I was running around my house like a mad woman trying to get the baby ready, me ready, and of course my food for the day ready too! (Thank god for a helpful husband or I never would have made it!)

I didn’t get my workout in this morning.  And you know what? That’s ok.  I’m a new mom.  There will be bumps in this road.  It’s not realistic to be perfect 100% of the time, so I’m going to really focus on my nutrition today and maybe I’ll go for a walk at lunch to get close to 10k steps today.  Progress, not perfection.  I will get back to a better routine eventually, but days like this will happen, and I’m not going to beat myself up about it.

Here’s to a better tomorrow!

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