Apr 6, 2015

Easing back into things

I can’t believe I’m already in my second week back at work….it’s crazy the way time works once you have a baby.  So slow and so fast all at the same time! 

  I’m not sure if this will ever get “easier”, but daycare didn’t seem as traumatic this morning.  It was really nice to have 3 days with Clara at home, so I’m really happy with my decision to do a 4 day work week for now.

So, all that being said, I'm glad I gave myself another week of leeway, because waking up extra early to workout just doesn’t seem like it’s in the cards right now.  Clara can wake up anytime between 5 and 6:30, so realistically I need to get up at like 4am to get in a workout before her morning meal…and that seems pretty daunting to this tired mama! I’m going to try to work on waking up early this week to get my body used to it (no workouts just yet) so that next week it won’t be as bad.  I'm trying to get more steps in each day with my fitbit - last Friday with the day off I had (and the slightly warmer weather), I took the baby out in the stroller for a couple long walks - enough for about 17k steps that day.... I can't believe how sore I was that night from it though!

I am also going to try simple calorie counting this week as well to help ease myself back into the 21 day fix style of eating – this no dairy thing has really thrown a cramp in my style since greek yogurt and string cheese were regulars on my list, and whey protein was a big part of my daily protein intake as well, so I’m still fumbling with that a bit.  In any event, I have about 30 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, so it’s time to get focused and get those pounds off.  I know it took time to put that weight on, and it will take time to take the weight off, so I’m ok with that, but it sure would feel good to be confident on the beach this summer!

There's a lot of "I'm going to try to's" in this post.  Because I'm being realistic.  I'm not perfect, I won't figure this thing out over night, and I will have bad days. This is reality, and I"m not going to beat myself up over it.  I'm easing back into things the best I can, and no one can fault me for that!

My next “official” round of the 21 day fix starts Monday April 13th (one week from today).  I’m hoping to get some big numbers from this first round, so I need some accountability partners; shoot me an email at babebeforebaby@gmail.com or leave a comment if you’re interested in joining me! 

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